Forestry Wing is headed by Inspector General Forests (BS-21) who is assisted by two Deputy Inspector General Forests (BS-19), Conservator Wildlife (BS-19), Director Biodiversity (BS-19), Assistant Inspector General Forests (BS-18), two Deputy Conservator Wildlife (BS-18), Deputy Director Biodiversity (BS-18) and Assistant Secretary-Wildlife (BS-17). In accordance with Rules of Business (Amended), 2012 Forestry Wing is mandated to perform following functions as in the capacity of technical wing of the Ministry of Climate Change:
National policy, plans, strategies and programmes regarding ecology, forestry, wildlife, biodiversity and desertification, and;Coordination, monitoring and implementation of environmental agreements with other countries, international agencies and forums.
Responsibilities of Forestry Wing at national level:
- National Forest Policy (draft), 2015 (Under consideration of CCI)
- Pakistan Trade Control of fauna and flora Act, 2012 (CITES Law)
- Draft National Law on Access and Benefit Sharing (under Nagoya Protocol)
- Green Pakistan Programme (Revival of Forestry and Wildlife Resources in Pakistan);
- Coordination of inter-provincial/inter-ministerial tree planting campaigns
- National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan (draft)
- Community Managed Trophy Hunting Programme
- Administering conservation Funds namely “Mountain Areas Conservation Fund (MACF)” and Fund for Protected Areas (FPA), which are run through Board of Directors
- Assembly Business - Implementation of Cabinet Decisions, Presidential directives, PM Directives, National Assembly & Senate Standing Committees
- National Taskforce on coral-reef
- RAM (Ramsar Advisory Mission) on flood control management
Forestry Wing is responsible as National Focal Point (NFP) for:-
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species of wild animals (CMS)
- RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands of an international importance
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES).
- Nagoya Protocol on Access & Benefit Sharing (ABS)
In addition, Forestry Wing also works as Focal Point for:
- United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)
- Mangroves for the Future (MFF) initiative
- IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services)
- Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC)
- COFO (FAO Committee of Forest)
- United Nations UN-REDD Programme
- Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Protection Programme
- Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
- REDD+ component of UNFCCC
- SAWN (South Asia Wildlife Network)
- All programmes of FAO, UNDP and World Bank related to forestry, wildlife, biodiversity, protected areas and wetlands etc.
- Coordination with international NGO’s like IUCN, WWF, Wetlands International etc.